Wednesday 5 November 2014

Quitting Facebook

Today I am deactivating my Facebook account. I have found that I waste way too much time on it and it doesn't do anything for me. I waste time reading other people's statuses, looking at other people's photos, and watching videos that I could find on my own if I were so inclined. Going on Facebook becomes a slippery slope into wasting my time and I only have so much of that. 

Instead I want to focus my free time on things that matter to me. Things that add value to my life. Whether it be reading a book, writing some poetry, learning something new on Khan Academy, painting a picture, or just going outside and enjoying the present moment, I want to do something that feels like I am actively in the moment and doing it. I want to live life and not watch it pass by one status at a time. This may not be goodbye to Facebook forever, but I am planning on keeping my account deactivated until at least December 1st. I may go longer. I will see how it goes and if going without Facebook has any positive or negative effects in my life. This is an experiment, and I'll be keeping tabs with it on my blog here. Obviously I won't be posting anything new on Facebook, but you can still follow me on Twitter and on Google+. Cheers!