Wednesday 31 December 2014

Goals for 2015

I have a few things to focus on this year. Some are big and some are small. Goal-setting is a strong technique at leading a great life for ourselves. I am not going to go into detail with my own goals, but I will touch on a few.

Firstly, to set strong goals we can create SMART goals. That means goals that are Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-related.

1. Bad Habits
    To break a habit, you must make a habit. Bad habits are something that I am working at replacing with better habits. This is a priority goal but it is only supported by my other goals that are SMARTer.

2. Relationship
  I want to focus on my relationship with my girlfriend. I want to do more special things for her and be more present with her and more patient. Our relationship is always growing and developing and I want to make her a priority in my life.

3. Write a Novel
    In 2014 I began work on a novel. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and this particular story has been floating around in my head for many years. It's about time I got it written down. I hope I will have a huge chunk of it done and ready to share with people soon.

4. Filmmaking
  I have a few film projects coming up this year, most notably an adaptation of a Stephen King story (my favorite author). I am the cinematographer for the film and I plan on writing/directing one other short this year. I am limiting my involvement with film projects this year as in the past I have become overwhelmed and stressed with putting too much on my plate. I may also start writing a feature length screenplay later this year unless my novel project overwhelms me too much.

5. Theatre
   Before I went to film school I was involved with the theatre company in my hometown. It's been a long time since I've acted on stage and this year I would like to get back into that. I plan on doing at least one play this year so we'll see how it goes.

6. Learn a Language (French)
   I have been making an attempt to learn French (both writing and speaking) for over a year now and my efforts have just felt half involved. I have a decent learning tool (a trilogy of audio lessons and workbooks) but these have been sporadic in their implementation. This year, I plan on setting a regular schedule for my lessons and getting my girlfriend to help me reading and such.

7. Write Poetry
   I want to try writing some poetry this year.

   I want to continue meditating every day and maybe learn some new things from social discussions and lectures.

9. Health: Eating & Exercise
   I want to eat healthier this year. Add more fruits and vegetables. Pass on more junk food and greasy garbage.

10. Reading
  I want to focus on reading more books rather than watching TV. This is something I have already committed to but I hope to continue this habit into the new year.

So that's a lot of goals there. Now there isn't any rule saying I have to actually complete them and I am sincerely hoping I am not biting off more than I can chew but I think this is a good idea to write out what I want at the beginning of the new year. It's like a New Year's Resolution but instead of giving something up like a lot of us do I am focusing on adding more value to my life. 2014 was a great year for me and I want 2015 to be even better!