Tuesday 26 May 2015

Healthy Sleep

One of my priorities of late has been getting better sleep.

Getting a good night's rest is incredibly important to our physical and mental health (not to mention emotional as well). When we are tired we are more likely to be stressed, get sick, and get frustrated or upset over trivial things. When we are getting enough sleep, we have more energy, feel more awake, and more happy. Too much sleep, on the other hand, can also leave us feeling drained.

Generally, we hear that 8 hours of sleep is what we should be getting each night. I've been focusing on that a lot the past few weeks and really made an effort to get 8 hours every night. It's tough to do when we bogged down with responsibility (so many things I have to do!) and desire (so many things I want to do!). 

I haven't been willing to forsake my morning routine though. So in order to get up at 5:30 AM, I have to be in bed at 9:30 PM. This is a far cry from my old habits a few years ago. I often stayed up until 2 in the morning or even 3, watching Youtube or movies or playing video games. I have drastically reduced the number of things I try to do each night, and instead focus on doing a few things that I can devote more attention to, and then go to bed earlier to feel rested for my morning routine. 

Getting more sleep becomes a priority when I am able to let go of things I don't need to do. Our priorities are the things we spend the most time doing. What are you spending most of your time on today and does it align with what you believe your priorities are?