Wednesday 11 February 2015

Getting Rid of the Internet at Home

When I first got into the concept of minimalism, I read many of the posts by Josh and Ryan from The Minimalists. I thought their efforts to become more focused and productive were excellent. I was very intrigued, but part of me thought, is this for me? Could I do this?

One of the most interesting posts from The Minimalists was when Josh wrote that killing the internet at home was the most productive thing he had ever done. I wondered how that would impact my life. I wondered how productive I could be if I got rid of the internet. Could I survive without it?

Last November, I wrote about my experience with deactivating my Facebook account. I was going to go a month as an experiment. It is now three months later and I still don't have Facebook. I feel so much more freedom now. Recently I moved to a new apartment. I decided to try having no internet connection at my new place.

I have been here for two weeks now and still no internet at home. It is wonderful.

I feel like I have more time at home now.

I have more time to read.
I have more time to write.
I have more time to meditate.
I have more time to think.
I have more time to exercise.
I have more time to walk.
I have more time to be present and fully in the moment.

I don't have to rush through my mornings or evenings at home. Also, I don't have to pay an internet bill. If you read Josh's post, you'll notice that I said almost the exact same thing he did. It's true. I have killed a huge distraction. Now I can focus more on doing something meaningful. I focus more on myself. 

I can just be at home. Peaceful. Quiet.

Here. Now.